Kaneez Zehra did her Master's in Business Administration. She is a prolific researcher, a diverse campaigner and a policy interventionist. Her areas of interest include health, education, climate change, and human rights. She is a staunch advocate of education & health for all as well as smoke-free world. Zehra’s experience in project management, campaigning, and delivery spans over 20 years. She works in close collaboration with civil society organizations/coalitions, national/ international development partners, research think tanks and policy makers. She has successfully formulated and executed several pivotal policy advocacy campaigns and research initiatives, public expenditure tracking, and social accountability interventions to generate pro-poor and inclusive educational development programs and policies. As Education Champion of the Malala Fund, Zehra advocates for the empowerment of young girls and the provision of health facilities at schools as well as building their capacity to engage effectively in policy processes. Besides, she has carried out a number of programs on tobacco free initiative and tobacco control. As regards, she has designed research on ‘Tobacco and Poverty, Tobacco and Agriculture, Passive Smoking, and Tobacco and Women.
Apart from this, she has served on various committees and represented Pakistan's civil society on national, regional, and global forums, consultations such as Collective Consultation of NGOs on Education For All, Global Campaign for Education, Asia South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education and a thematic working group of Civil 20 on Gender Inequality and Social Protection, Reforms of International Financial System, and Responsible Investment and Role of Private Sector.
Zehra has authored and co-authored several research papers and policy briefs related to education, health, and tobacco control. As a human rights activist, who strongly believes in an inclusive and pluralistic approach to development, she is more vocal about active citizenship, and social accountability.
Email: zehra@idsisb.com
A detailed CV along with a list of her publications can be viewed below.
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